Tuesday, 31 January 2017

myDaily Meal Review

Being a picky eater and being away from home is the worst combination ever! And if unfortunately the add-on is evil ideas that brew in your Mess workers’ minds like sending Karela (Bitter Gourd) and Tindora (Ivy Gourd) ‘together’ in your tiffin. Well, sadly I’ve to admit ‘Story of my Life’. So what do you do? You skip meal and spoil your day along with everybody else’s. How do you ask? Well, for starters, your blood sugar takes a dramatic nosedive- dragging your ability to think straight right along with it. When there isn’t enough sugar in your blood to fall from, you lose your ability to focus. Your brain straight-up can’t function. Okay, that took a toll on your life, what about others? Ever notice how cranky and stabby you get, when you’re starving. Being ‘Hangry’ (Hungry+Angry) is not an Internet hoax. It is very, very real. And it can get very, very real for those around you. You start to feel jittery & anxious and your big picture thinking turns off. You become the moodiest, least-fun version of yourself. And don’t even get me started on the diseases you might catch. You openly challenge diseases by skipping a meal, as you run low on nutrients. But then again, you are a ‘picky’ eater. And not just that, sometimes you travel without healthy options to eat or you’re stuck in a meeting or are just too busy to have a proper meal. Well, then what? What if I tell you there is a solution!

myDaily is the solution to the above mentioned and then some more problems! 

It is Perfectly Engineered Meal Replacement shake. Make your perfect meal in just 1 minute containing 12 essential vitamins and 13 minerals. It is the healthiest meal you can have. Below attached is the Ingredients’ list & Nutrition Information. 

It comes in three flavours- Chocolate, Vanilla and neutral flavour. I tried the chocolate variant and Boy do I love it! myDaily has proved ‘Healthy food can’t be delicious’ myth wrong! I was so happy to find a meal which is healthy and agrees and fulfills tantrums of my taste buds. Preparing the myDaily meal is absolutely easy. Pour the content in a shaker, add 350ml water, shake it well and you are good to go! You can even add fruits or sugar to the shake. I threw in some pieces of strawberries. Sweetness level was just about right for me.

I absolutely felt full for about 6-7 hours. I was satiated till my snack time. I’m very happy with this product. Mostly because of its nutritional value and also because it has no added preservatives or artificial colour and is transfat free. So next time don’t skip a meal, just pick a packet of wonder that is myDaily and stay the version of yourself without hangriness getting you.

Get it here- www.myDailymeal.com

My rating- 5/5. What can I say? I love it!

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