Tuesday, 15 May 2012

An Unheard Cry

An Unheard Cry
I stayed there listening to her silent sobs,
Begging & Pleading me just for letting watch the sun,
I couldn't do anything just curse myself for being in this world,
And proving society that they are right and woman is a weaker one...
My husband and in-laws considered you as a burden,
Ignoring the tonnes of feelings I am loaded with,
The malicious Doctor just wanted his pockets to jingle...
I heard you speaking asking me if you have done anything bad?
Or is it just a dreadful sin to be a girl?
My eyes were full of tears & I couldn't answer,
She overwhelmed me saying, 'Don't cry, I love you Mom'...
Suddenly darkness swept around me,
And I saw her waving her hand n parting away,
The Angel which had come to bring joy to this devil world,
Was going away.....

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